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THE SCREEN at Kamchanod

GENRE: Horror
TYPE: Thailand Movie
FILM DATE: February 2008
RUN TIME: 96 min

  • Achita Pramotch Na Ayuthaya
  • Pakramai Potrananda
  • Namo Tongkumnerd

    A supernatural horror story that takes based on an actual news report of an unusual outdoor cinema experience in the far-flung village in Northeastern Thailand. What seems like a routine film screening turns out to be one of the strangest mysteries.

    Is it possible that those who hired the film projectionists to screen movies at Kamchanod forest in 1989 were not humans but a community of ghosts and ghouls?

    By director Songsak Mongkolthong, "The Screen at Kamchanod" takes its inspiration from the news article and puts its present-day characters into a dark pursuit of the truth behind that mysterious incident that took place 18 years ago.

    Situated in Wang Tong village, Kamchanod is an enclosed forest situated amid the barren paddy fields in Northeastern Thailand. Guarded by small waterways, it is a sacred forest revered by both Thai and Lao villagers who believe that it houses an entrance to the underground kingdom of Naga, the mythical creature that resides along the Mekong River. It is also a strange botanical domain with thick, towering kamchanod trees sprung up from the empty landscape.

    For 18 years, the notorious scandal involved a band of film projectionists and their spine-tingling encounter with the ghostly audience of Kamchanod.



  • Credits to: delaleia (movie). golden village. photobucket. deknang (trailer)


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