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GENRE: Drama / Musical / Romance
TYPE: Japanese Movie
MOVIELENGTH: 114 minutes / 1 hr. 54 min.

  • Mika Nakashima as Nana Osaki
  • Aoi Miyazaki as Nana Komatsu

    Two girls, both named Nana and of the same age, coincidentally meet on a train trip to Tokyo. They soon find theirselves living with each other under the same roof because of an even bigger coincidence. Even though they share the same name and age, they differ in just about everything else. Even so, through hard experiences in love and life, a strong friendship is born between them, as both Nanas grow through their hardships and struggle to win the odds.

    First up, there's Osaki Nana (Nakashima Mika), a calm, cool, and collected punk rock singer who struts into Tokyo's underground punk scene looking to hit the big time. While Nana's got some ex-boyfriend issues that she's eager to put behind her, she won't allow that personal drama to interfere with her big dream. In fact, Nana's not going to stop until she's conquered Japan as the nation's top rock star!

    The other "Nana" of the title is Komatsu Nana (TV actress Miyazaki Aoi), who is alternatively called Hachi. Cute and cheerful, Hachi led a somewhat sheltered life and has a bad habit of falling in love too quickly. She had some relationship problems in the past, but when she falls for her high school pal Junko, she decides to follow him to Tokyo when he gets admitted to an art design school. By moving to the big city, she hopes to find love and happiness in this new locale.


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