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Genre: Romance
Type: Korean Movie
Film Date: February 2006
Runtime: 116 min

  • Hyun Bin
  • Lee Yeon-hee

  • Jae-kyung, a high school delinquent who is always getting into fights, prepares to inherit a huge amount from his grandfather who passed away. He is arrogant, rude, extremely hot-tempered and thinks the whole world should listen to him because he is rich. Then came a bolt from the blue, the day before his eighteenth birthday when he is supposed to inherit the fortune, his family lawyer informs him about the will from his deceased grandfather. The will specifies that in order for him to inherit the fortune, he must graduate from Boram High School, which is at the countryside. Jae-kyung, despite violent objections and protests, had no choice but to follow his grandfather's wish. If not, he will only be able to inherit 0.1% of the inheritance.
    At the countryside, he has to learn to lead a commoner's life, which means without his credit card or sports car! Initially, Jae-kyung tries all means to get himself expelled from school, but to no avail. Gradually, he started to change his opinion of the people there, as they all treated him with much kindness no matter how mean or rude he was.
    There, he also met Eun-whan, also studying at Boram High School, whom he thought he had first met in his family's hotel. In actual fact, they knew each other way before, when they were only kids. Despite their initial conflicts, they gradually fell in love. However, Eun-hwan has been keeping a secret all along and exposing it might bring an end to their relationship…




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